Building a strong minerals workforce

The first Tasmanian Industry Skills Compact was signed today between the Tasmanian Liberal Government and the Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing and Energy Council (TMEC). 

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, Felix Ellis, said the Mining and Minerals Industry Skills Compact and associated action plan was a collaborative partnership focused on skills, training and workforce development for the Tasmanian mining industry. 

“The Mining and Minerals Industry Skills Compact will make sure government and industry are working together to build a stronger industry for the future,” Minister Ellis said. 

“We welcome industry’s commitment to working closely with the Rockliff Liberal Government, because we want our training system to maximise outcomes for employers and employees.” 

The Mining and Minerals Industry Skills Compact will drive industry-led workforce development and better training opportunities.   

The agreement and action plan are based on three core principles: 

  • Building capability in training; 

  • Promoting pathways into the industry; and  

  • Targeted career awareness programs. 

The document outlines some of the exciting opportunities that will be investigated as part of this work, including innovative career pathways and pre-employment programs, consideration around future uses for the former TasTAFE facility in Queenstown, looking at how we can support more industry participants to deliver training, and better promotion of mentoring programs.  

“The Rockliff Liberal Government is focused on building a mining workforce that will meet the current and future needs of the industry because this is a crucial sector in Tasmania’s economy,” Minister Ellis said. 

“For the mining industry, new technology and the rapid pace of change means Tasmania’s training system needs to be flexible and responsive to the changing demands of the industry and its workers. 

“Our vision is for a training and workforce development system that is accessible and job-focused, supporting a stronger pathway to jobs and skills for all Tasmanians.” 


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